Thursday, March 7, 2013

Land of the rising skateboard

Bolts of Thunder would like to proudly introduce one of its newest and youngest team members, Kenso! I don't even know what his last name is. What's your last name, Kenso? Kenso rides, on average, at least 5 times faster than me, and he adheres to a strict no bailing policy, which I give his ninja heritage and kamikaze mindset credit for this kind of skating. But more than the fact that Kenso's a stylish ripper, he's also a super cool kid and a good friend to have around. The almost 10 year age difference between me and him doesn't seem to pose any kind of generation gap (which might suggest I'm really immature for my age...), so it's always a good time hanging out with him. These pictures are out of focus and over exposed because we didn't even have time to set up the camera before he pulled off this chest-high noseslide down a rail that was never meant to be skated. And trust me, there will be plenty more to come from him. So let's all put our hands together for Bolts of Thunder's newest addition, Kenso!

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