Monday, March 4, 2013

Bolts of Thunder 4 kick off party

So last weekend we had a crepe party at my place, Bolts of Thunder style. It was our way of kicking off the filming season and the making of our next video. We gathered round, ate crepes, and watched the relics of the past, the first three Bolts of Thunder videos. Then we got excited to go out and work on the next one, which by judging this weekend's filmed trick count, the party worked. In total there was 15 of us: Zak, Nick, Kenso, Coleman, Steve, AJ, Haylie, Chad, Derrick, Ben, Will, Gary, my mom, Rachel, and Me. And Charly the pug, can't forget her. It was super fun, so thanks everyone that came and provided good stuff for the crepes. Now let's go make another video.

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