Thursday, March 14, 2013

Forgotten stories

This spot is the ultimate tail drop challenge spot. I haven't had that much fun taildropping in years. It reminds me of our days back in St George. Nick Graff taught me the ins out outs of taildropping, and its finer beauties and subtleties. More than anything, he taught me never to disrespect or disregard a taildrop... One old memory just led to another which led to several more, and I'm now thinking about that time that me and Matt Pace went through this phase where we wanted to sleep in parks. Not with a tent or sleeping bag or anything, but bum style. I'm not sure why. I can tell you that there's nothing more rewarding in life than getting a full nights sleep in your own comfortable bed, and I think I knew that at the time, but for some reason for like six months we wanted to be bums and sleep anywhere we could find, as long as it was outside. Our first attempt was to sleep at Vernon Worthin park on Flood St in St. George in this giant pile of wood chips. We staked out the spot in the day, then ninjaed our way there at night. I burrowed out a nice little hole for myself in the chips, but then too many people were walking by and staring at us, so we felt a little uncomfortable. And I think Matt understood the importance of a good night's sleep a lot better than I did at the time, so he didn't want to be bothered with people staring at him while he slept in a pile of wood chips. Oh yeah, Joey, Injun Jo was in on it, too. He came on every one of our bum excursions through town. And this first one Bobby, James, and a couple other homies were there too. Bobby provided us all with a denim jacket that we thought would be plenty to keep us warm. So then we made our way from park to park, trying to find a good spot, until finally we just ended up at the skate park at like 2 in the morning. We figured it was St George in the summer, so we wouldn't need blankets to keep us warm. We were wrong in the assumption. I've never been more uncomfortable as I cuddled up with the big hubba that had retained some heat from the day. It sucked.

So our next trip, we thought we'd at least try and bring some blankets. I had scouted out this big football pad that me and Nick used to ollie onto off the roof of the shed of the football gear hide out place. They moved the giant pad onto the track and field, and it was really soft. Not to mention filthy from having hundreds of stweaty football bros running into it and having been left outside for the last 10 years. But as an avid bum sleeper, I looked past these minor details. So we crept into the track and field at night and slept on the giant pad with a couple blankets. I actually was sleeping really well and would have slept all night, but Matt woke me up at like 5 in the morning because all the lights had turned on in the field. I told him they did that every morning and not to worry (I didn't know, I was just really tired and wanted to keep sleeping), but he wouldn't have it. So we grabbed our blankets and started wandering around town in the early hours of the morning. We made our way past the field about an hour later, and it was swarming with potential cheerleaders strutting their stuff on the field. Turned out that it was tryouts for cheer squad or whatever, and had Matt not gotten us out of there, we would have woken up to a couple hundred cheerleaders wondering why we were sleeping on the field. Dodged a bullet on that one...

The last time I remember trying to sleep in town was just really pathetic. It ended it all. It was early October, and starting to get cold in St George. But we were hard core and would quit our mysterious ways. But not being able to find a good spot to sleep, we resorted to our cars. Mine was a 2 door Honda hatch back with no room to fully extend your legs anywhere in the car. Me and Joey took that one. I sat in the front seat, Joey in the passenger, and there we slept. I woke up a little while later freezing, stiff, and wondering why I wasn't at home. Then a few minutes later Matt, who had been sleeping in his car (he had an SUV with a little more room in back), came up to my car and said we had to get out of there because we were parked in an apartment complex with assigned parking, and we were in people's spots. It had never occurred to me that we might be stealing someone's spot that night, but apparently we had been. The people came up to Matt's car, looked in through the windows, and even knocked on them to try and get Matt to move his car. After playing dead until the people finally left, he woke us up, and we got out of there. As we drove out of there, cops pulled in to investigate the scene, but we had already left. Cops have nothing to do in St George, so they were happy to respond to this call. We finally gave it up after that stuck with beds. Or at least houses. Not sure why I thought of those stories, but they were good times.

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