Friday, April 12, 2013

AJ receives a Purple Heart

AJ is the first to receive a Purple Heart in filming for this year's video. And the crazy thing is that he was literally the one filming when it happened. He went down while filming me do a line, and he sacrificed his body to save the camera. I don't know that I can ask any more out of anyone than to let their body take the hit rather than the camera. He went down on his shoulder really bad, and I really hope he didn't hurt anything seriously, but it looked bad last I saw it. So, in honor of his selfless sacrifice in the line of duty, AJ Neuenswander is officially being awarded a Purple Heart for heroic action and being wounded. If you're the praying-inclined individual, make sure and ask God to be good to him and let his shoulder get better soon. And if you're not the praying-inclined individual, then right now would be a good time to become one because AJ might need your prayers.